Hope Signs to fight climate change
Hope signs is a joint effort, where Bokmässan team up with 56 prominent authors and use the written word as a tool to accomplish actual change and to raise funds for SSNC’s partner organisations who fight for climate justice every day; our global climate heroes!
Get involved for global climate heroes!
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Bokmässan is the largest annually recurring culture event in Scandinavia and gathers more than 80 000 visitors over four days in September. Bokmässan revolves around different themes and this year, one of them is the climate crisis, the biggest challenge of our time.
For the Hope Signs campaign, Bokmässan has invited prominent authors from all over the world to write protest signs that takes a stand for our climate. 56 authors have had complete freedom regarding what to include on their sign which has led to headings, short stories or a single word which all in their own way, takes a stand in favor of the climate.
Some of the authors who have contributed with a sign are David Lagercrantz, Jojo Moyes, Naomi Klein, Susanna Alakoski, Anis Don Demina, Anthony Doerr, Max Porter, Vanessa Nakate, Björn Wiman, Lauren Groff, to name a few.
To further contribute to a sustainable future, the signs will be put up for auction at Sweden’s largest digital marketplace, Tradera. The winnings from the auctions are donated to SSNC’s global environmental movement. Tradera has generously decided to waive their commission and promote the campaign on their website.
Our global work
Consequences of climate change are escalating, with more frequent and extreme natural disasters such as droughts, forest fires, floods as well as changing weather patterns. The effects of climate change can be felt all over the world but are especially severe in low-income countries with less economic and institutional capacity to adapt and build resilience. Through SSNC’s partner organizations, people get engaged to reduce climate change and work towards the right to renewable energy. But being an environmental defender and climate activist, is sadly often associated with threats, violence, and even murder. Through the Hope signs campaign, you can support global climate heroes who fight for our planet every day.