Lund cathedral

Roof-mounted solar cells.

This is Lund Cathedral. In the 2020s the parish of Lund wanted to show their commitment to solving climate change by mounting solar cells on the roof: a cathedral self-sufficient in energy would show that the church was ready for the future!

This is a prototype image developed for their proposal, which was eventually shot down by various government agencies and conservative parish members for reasons of cultural preservation.

But where there is a will, there is a way. In 2043, new rules for construction were implemented. After this it was decided that the lead roof itself — which up until then had been leaking lead into the city water — was to be replaced with solar tiles! That is why the cathedral still looks the same as it did a century ago: it is only if you look closely on a sunny day that you can see the extra shimmer from the roof.

Lead roof: Lead used to be common, primarily in petrol but also in roofing. Today, we know that lead can cause neural damage, especially in foetuses and young children.

Solar tiles: Roof tiles that also serve as solar cells and absorb energy from the sun, which is then turned into electricity.

This text is part of the future scenario and study material Beyond the Fossil Era.

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